
Diplomatic baggage

North Korea is shutting embassies

China and Russia are the only friends it needs

Links in the Chain

China’s aggression brings Japan and the Philippines closer

America is thrilled to see two allies collaborate on security

India’s north-east

Can Narendra Modi complete India’s state-building project?

Ethnic violence shows it will take more than infrastructure development

Grainy season

Narendra Modi and the art of claiming credit

The prime minister graciously gives poor Indians what they are entitled to


Australia and China patch things up

Anthony Albanese, Australia’s prime minister, takes a trip to Beijing

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Narendra Modi has shifted India from the Palestinians to Israel

The pivot reflects Indian domestic politics and new interests in the Middle East

Death by turmeric

Bangladesh strikes a blow against lead poisoning

Are India’s rulers wise enough to take a lesson from their neighbour?

Asia’s dirty money

Singapore’s biggest money-laundering case has links to Chinese gamblers

It also sheds light on how Asia’s transnational crime gangs operate

Choking a city

Politics hampers Delhi’s fight against air pollution

Narendra Modi’s central government is at war with Delhi

Save our ghouls

A Tokyo district cracks down on Halloween

Japan’s ageing society is limiting youthful pleasures


Meet the Japanese Kurds

A Kurdish community illustrates the senselessness of Japan’s immigration regime